tips, stories, organizing advice, and more.
2B Organized Blog Post
Happy New Year! 900 600 Betsy Miller

Happy New Year!

New Year = Clean Slate Hey y’all, it’s that time of year again.  New Year, new beginnings, fresh start, reset button…yada, yada, yada!  That feeling when you have a brand new planner with clean pages, oh that sweet, sweet feeling!  You vow to write everything nice and neat this year.  That feeling when all the Christmas presents have found their home and the decorations have been neatly put into labeled bins (anyone, anyone…just me?) OK. Anyway, it’s that feeling that…

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2B Organized Tulsa Oklahoma
Living on Tulsa Time! 900 598 Betsy Miller

Living on Tulsa Time!

Living on Tulsa time! What a joy!  Helping a darling graduate student make her apartment more functional, less cluttered and most importantly, more homey!  One of my favorite things to do is to go from …House2Home.  I’m not bragging, but I’m good at it.  I love the art of finding homes for “stuff”.  The art of knowing what needs to stay and what needs to GO, and using my experience and expertise to find all the right products to make…

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2B Organized Blog Post
Top 5 Tips for a Successful, Organized School Year! 900 600 Betsy Miller

Top 5 Tips for a Successful, Organized School Year!

It is THAT time of year… you know the time where we frantically bounce from task to task until those precious babes are all set with the back to school necessities. We wanted to share a few tips on how to keep your household in tip top shape this school year! Here are our top five ways to stay organized as the kiddos head back to school. 1. The Homework Station Set up a homework station! I bought a shower…

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2B Organized Blog Post
Farewell to the ’78 Ranch 299 149 Betsy Miller

Farewell to the ’78 Ranch

Memories and Moving On It’s time.  It’s time to move on and say farewell to the only home we have ever owned. My husband and I bought this house in 1995.  We were so excited.  It had everything we wanted and more.  A brick ranch with 3 bedrooms, 3 baths, open concept, a shop for him and 5 acres in the country.  Plus, the most important thing to this girl who grew up in tornado alley…a full basement. Or what we say…

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2B Organized Blog Post
Dogs = Love 1825 1217 Betsy Miller

Dogs = Love

I love my dogs, no question.  But just like kids, they seem to come with a lot of “stuff”.  Which obviously, I’m not a fan of.  One of the most cumbersome items they come with are crates.  They’re big, bulky and ugly. They are an evil necessity with our K9 family members. So here are three quick tips to incorporate them into your space. 1. Built ins. If doing custom isn’t in your budget, simply remove the middle shelf in…

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