It is THAT time of year… you know the time where we frantically bounce from task to task until those precious babes are all set with the back to school necessities. We wanted to share a few tips on how to keep your household in tip top shape this school year! Here are our top five ways to stay organized as the kiddos head back to school.

1. The Homework Station
Set up a homework station! I bought a shower caddy on Amazon and have it filled with markers, crayons, colored pencils, scissors, pens, pencils,
sharpeners, and erasers. The caddy will take up some real estate in a cabinet but it is well worth it to have everything in the same place.
2. Calendars for EVERYONE
Place a weekly calendar in a visible place to ensure the whole family is on the same page when it comes to family activities. Or if you do not like it visible, the inside of a cabinet door that is accessed daily is a perfect solution.
3. Establish Nighttime Routines
You would be surprised how eager our Kindergarteners are to help! Let them help you lay out their clothes the night before. Encourage older kids to check their bags the night before to make sure they have all supplies, permission slips and paperwork.
4. Electronic File Management
For the older kids, a lot of schools may have them set up a Google Drive account. If not, you may want to consider setting one up for your older child so they can access homework away from home.
5. Family Meeting
A family meeting could be helpful at the beginning of the year. Set expectations for homework, extracurricular activities, and screen time. If a child has clear ground rules set at the beginning of the year, it may cut down on arguments later.